Monday, 18 May 2015

Keep it in the family

This week we have heard that The Speaker's wife, Sally Bercow, cheated on her husband with his cousin, who has now dumped her and gone back to his wife.  It seems that cheating so close to home is not as unusual as all that, judging by the radio phone-ins I've heard this week.  Sadly such affairs often make everything more difficult as not only does the marriage break up, but often rifts are caused within families that can never be healed.

In a very timely 'life imitating art' way, the Sally Bercow story comes at a time when a long-running storyline on The Archers is about to culminate with Ed Grundy about to marry Emma Grundy. For those of you who have never heard The Archers, Emma used to have a relationship with Ed before cheating on him and marrying his brother Will before splitting with him to get engaged to Ed.... The feud between the brothers goes on and on to the extent that they can barely be civil to each other.  Is Will going to turn up to the wedding and play nicely?

Or will it be as frosty as the next Bercow family Christmas?

Monday, 11 May 2015

Divorce by Facebook...

It has finally happened - divorce by Facebook.  Yes, that’s right - a woman living in Brooklyn has been told by a judge that she can start divorce proceedings against her estranged husband by sending him papers via a Facebook message.

The couple were married in 2009 although they never consumated their marriage because the groom reneged on his promise to have a traditional Ghanaian wedding ceremony.

Since then the couple have been living apart and although the bride doesn’t know where the groom lives, he keeps in touch through Facebook.

It was this aspect that led the Judge at Manhattan Supreme Court to give the go ahead to serve divorce papers through the social networking site.

I’m not sure if the husband will ‘like’ this though!