Wednesday 30 December 2015

January to see a 300% predicted rise for divorce inquiries

It is a tough time of year for many and according to new research the season of love and goodwill shall be over for some, all too quickly into the new year.

Co-operative legal services anticipate that a 332% rise in divorce inquiries will happen in January compared with enquiries over the last four months.

It was also thought that despite the timing, Christmas was not actually to blame for relationship breakdowns - more-so any split was already likely, but that couples would delay making any announcement until after the festive break.

As the Guardian reports, when asked why divorcees held off until after celebratory occasions, the research group gave these reasonings:

- Not wanting to spoil proceedings was the most common reason, with 43% saying this was the case
- A third wanted to have one last Christmas as a family
- A tenth of divorcees did not want to upset others
- Nearly a third (32%) had not yet confirmed they were going to get divorced

I hope that you all had a relaxing and harmonious Christmas.  If your thoughts are now moving towards divorce or you believe separation may be the right path come the new year, then please talk somebody - there are often resolutions to be found.

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