Monday, 17 February 2014

Breaking up can help.... your DIY skills!

A colleague of mine tells me the story of when she and her husband were splitting up they were in the middle of yet another screaming match on the upstairs landing.  Wanting to throw something at the errant husband, yet not having anything to hand, the wife simply kicked out at the wall.  If it had been stone she might have ended up with a broken foot, but in these days of timber-framed houses and plasterboard, her nicely booted toe just made a large hole in the wall.


However, when she'd calmed down a bit she set about fixing it - fishing out the plasterboard, fixing a batten behind the hole, gluing the plasterboard to the batten, filling, sanding and repainting.  It took a couple of days, and when they divorced and sold the house nobody even noticed.

So she got to vent her anger, learn a new skill AND get divorced - result or what?!

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