There’s an excellent story this week which proves just why you should always use a lawyer…
An ex-wife made an application to get her ex-husband to pay up the £80,000 he had been ordered to pay her in the final order of their divorce settlement.
He said he already paid it. However, it’s HOW he says he paid it that makes for an interesting read. He swears (and did so, in Court) that he took it to her IN CASH at Pizza Express in Slough. That’s a lot of cash. Maybe he put it in a holdall…
Sadly his story didn’t really hold up for the following reasons:
He says he took a photo of her receiving the money but he had since lost his phone.
He says he took his brother with him but the brother didn’t see the ex-wife.
He says he took a third witness, but now can’t produce that witness.
He says he didn’t get a receipt because ‘he trusted his ex-wife’.
He says she agreed to £40,000 in cash rather than the £80,000 the court had ruled because she didn’t want it to affect her benefits.
He had already said to his solicitor that he wasn’t going to comply with the £80,000 order.
The Judge, needless to say, didn’t believe a word of it and the ex-husband is now being told to pay the ex-wife’s legal costs. The file is also being passed to the Director of Public Prosecutions who may go after the ex-husband for perjury.
Some useful points to remember from this then:
1. Use a lawyer if you’re planning to hand over £40,000 in cash. Also consider a bodyguard.
2. Get a receipt.
3. Comply with any court orders.
4. Have a witness.
5. Don’t lie in court.
Most important of those is: USE A LAWYER!