Monday, 29 June 2015

I give you half.....

An amazing story emerged from Germany this week - a newly divorced man, Martin, sawed up everything he owned and put half up for sale on Ebay simply entitled 'For Laura' as an act of revenge against his cheating spouse.  The auction site showed half a car

half a teddy bear...

and half a bicycle...

Several million views and quite a lot of Euros later, it emerged that the story was the brainchild of the German Bar Association, designed to highlight the squabbles that can emerge in divorce cases.

Whilst I admire their creativity (and use of Photoshop), I can't help feeling that this rather concentrates on the negative aspect of divorce, where it can actually be a time of moving on, changing your life and escaping an unhappy marriage.  

Not all lawyers are so cynical as the German Bar Association!

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