Friday, 4 September 2015

Vintage Car Divorce Spat

A Ferrari bought for £5.5 million, an Alfa Romeo, a McLaren F1 and McLaren P1 - classic cars amongst others made up a collection worth £20 million!

Following their marriage breakdown, Ms Joy-Morancho lay claim that the cars could be transferred to her as part of a divorce payout.  On the 28th August Sir Peter Singer ruled otherwise - in favour of Mr Joy-Morancho keeping the cars as a separate entity. It was argued and accepted that they were owned by a company with which he 'had links'.

To read the full story in the Telegraph click here.

The judge will make a further ruling at a later date about just how much cash is in the pot to be divided between the them, but for now, the car collection is left untouched.

Now I wrote about who got the dog in a blog post last year! - and a case I cited was an example of a husband getting their Mercedes Benz SLK and the wife getting the family pets after their divorce.

Let’s just hope that Ms Joy-Morancho can find value in what may come to her in the overall pot!

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