Tuesday, 30 August 2016

10 Strangest British Laws

Did you know it's still against the law to beat your doormat after 8am or to go to a fancy party
dressed as a soldier? The chances are you’re breaking the law without realising

We try to do our best, don’t we? We pay all our taxes, drive at 29mph and say “please” and “thank
you” whenever the need arises.

But the chances are you’re breaking the law without even realising. The great and the good have
been making laws in Britain for hundreds of years.

They’re pretty good about creating new ones, but no so efficient at getting rid of the old ones
we no longer need.

Which is why it is still against the law to beat your doormat after 8am or to go to a fancy
party dressed as a soldier.


Carrying your shopping home

It is a crime to walk home from B&Q if you’ve just bought a ladder or a plank of wood.


Flying a kite

It is that same Metropolitan Police Act 1839. It threatens a £500 fine for any person “who shall
fly any kite or play at any game to the annoyance of the inhabitants or passengers, or who shall
make or use any slide upon ice or snow in any street or other thoroughfare, to the common danger
of the passengers”.


Wearing fancy dress

Been invited to a fancy-dress party? Make sure you don’t go as a sailor or a soldier. The
Seamen’s and Soldiers’ False Characters Act 1906 prevents you from passing yourself off as a
member of the armed forces.


Getting drunk in a pub

Everyone knows it’s against the law to be “drunk and disorderly”. You may also know that it’s
illegal for a publican to serve you if you’re drunk.


Playing knock-down ginger

Do kids still play this game? If they don’t, that’s wise. Because ringing on someone’s doorbell
and then running away also contravenes the Metropolitan Police Act 1854.


Keeping pigs outside your house

If you're in the city, you need to watch where you keep your porky pals


Cleaning your doormat after 8am

It’s our old friend the Metropolitan Police Act 1854 again. Section 60, subsection 3 makes it an
offence to beat your carpet in the street.


Asking a stranger for parking money

You’ve parked the car and you don’t have any change for the ticket machine.
Don’t dare ask anybody for a pound coin.It may only be a quid. You may never have asked a
stranger for money before - but it’s still begging under the Vagrancy Act 1824.
The punishment? Being sent to “the house of correction” for a month or less.


Hailing a moving taxi

The London Hackney Carriages Act 1843 states even if a licensed taxi has its “for hire” light on,
the driver is only allowed to seek trade when at a standstill
According to section 33 of the Act: “Every driver of a hackney carriage who shall ply for hire
elsewhere than at some standing or place appointed for that purpose” shall be committing an
offence, for which the current maximum fine is £200.


Handling salmon in suspicious circumstances

No, I don’t know what it means either.
But section 32 of the Salmon Act 1986, specifically outlaws “handling salmon in suspicious
circumstances”. So please stop doing it.
For more information click here

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